K went for the Safra 10Km competitive run last sunday. He woke up very early, 5+am, to have his breakfast of bread, coffee and eggs, half boiled. And he was telling himself, with this heavy breakfast, he'll definitely need to unload before the run started....
True enough, upon reaching the venue (Esplanade) where the starting point was, his stomach started protesting...he needed to unload, and FAST!
He went in to a few toilets, to the many cubicles in the toilets, and found to his dismay, NO TOILET PAPER!!! DIE DIE DIE!!!
He told himself, this time gone case! Then he was walking aimlessly outside, and his eyes fell on a plastic bag lying on the floor, with a few pieces ofpaper inside. He was contemplating whether he could use the paper as substitute, when he opened the bag & saw, WOW WOW WOW, a pack of tissue paper!!!
He recalled the incident to me after he fully unloaded whatever he needed to...and he said he was full of confidence!! ahahahha...
I told him "God loves You!"
3:19 PM
Boo is BACK!

Boo is back! Boo is back! BOO IS BACK!!!
K has been counting down to this day since he came back from Japan in July.
At the airport, boo got really excited when she saw us, and she ran out of the custom by herself towards us!
The past few days with her was very pleasant, we brought her to a party and she was extremely well behaved. She's like the big sister amongst the kids, never snatched anything toys with the kids, and no screaming, no shouting...her mom was so proud of her, so were we!
We started to get her to call us "gu zhang and gu ma", instead of "daddy & mommy", and she still make blunders now and then...she'll call k "gu tan", and call me "gu mama" or "gu mommy"....so funny...but she's very fast, once she realises her mistake, she'll make amendments. Think it won't be long before she can fully call us correctly.
2:24 PM
Saturday, August 9, 2008
National Day Parade, 2008

This year i got to attend the NDP for the first time in my life, thanks to K's company, who gave him 4 tickets to the actual day.
The parade started @ 6.30pm, but by 3.45pm, we were already sitted inside, holding up my brolly under the still sunny weather...
The atmosphere is so diiferent watching the parade live, where tens of thousands of people stood together and sang our national anthem, said the pledge and do the kallang wave. It's like reliving the days when we would go to the kallang stadium to watch the football matches.
It started raining an hour into the parade, and k was very well prepared. He brought out the windbreakers for us, and we put it on before we put on the disposable raincoat given.
The fighter planes were exciting, the parachuters were quite a sight to see, and the fireworks were spectacular!
If you ask me whether i would still go for it if i can lay my hands on the NDP tickets again next year, i'll say "you bet!"
2:06 PM
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Boo's First Shot at Story-telling
Maggie said she bought a book for boo. A counting book, where she can teach boo 1, 2, 3, 4 etc....the book has a very fanciful cover, with lotsa characters/things on it.
So boo took the book and told her mom she wants to tell her a story, Maggie said ok, go ahead.
Boo started "我是Hello Kitty, 我是rabbit, 我是strawberry, 我是donut, 我是。。。。"
And it went on......kekekekkeke nice attempt, Maggie must be proud of Boo...i know i am!
7:08 AM
Sunday, July 27, 2008
人小鬼大的 boo boo
今天在msn 上跟Maggie 聊天。 她跟我说了几则boo 的趣事。
1)Boo 和妈妈及奶奶出门。她那双胖胖短短的腿当然不及大人的走得快。奶奶就跟她说“你走快点好不好, 很热!”小瓜回答到“在走了,在走了。。。”
2) 今早她喝奶喝剩一点, Maggie 叫她喝完,她竟然回答“剩一点没关系”!!!
3) 她现在会说她要看电视。而且是看“眼睛大大的”, 什么意思呢? 原来是看卡通。 日本卡通通常都把人物画得眼睛大大的。。。
Boo 真的长大了。。。。